Design and control of pump system based on photovoltaic energy

Hanen Abbes, Hafedh Abid


This paper deals with the use of photovoltaic energy for direct current motor driven water pump. The resort to solar energy is step up day by day. To optimize solar photovoltaic generated power, maximum power point tracking technique is usually required. A DC-DC boost converter operates as an interface unit which aims to enhance the efficiency of photovoltaic array and ensure soft starting of the DC motor with definite control. Proposed system is made up an arrangement of solar panels, boost converter, DC converter, DC motor followed by a water pump. The boost converter acquires constant DC output. Then, the DC converter output supply the DC motor. The centrifugal pump is controlled by fuzzy supevisor so as to get the optimum flow rate for the pump. The behavior of proposed water pumping system is proved by evaluating its diverse performances by means of MATLAB/simulink.


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