Energy consumption solution through low cost energy conservation measures - training transfer impact check on IPMV protocol A

Ruchi Tyagi, Shaikh Shamser Ali, Suresh Vishwakarma


Energy conservation measures are the practices to use less energy to reduce both costs and the environmental impact. They include using less electricity, gas, or any other form of energy that we get from our utility at a price. Training plays a critical role in educating energy users to practice conservation measures. The paper includes two case studies at two different facilities on air-conditioning applications to measure the impacts of low cost energy conservation measures (LCECM) training transfer in actual operations. The impact was measured at both locations by reducing the air-conditioning running hours and increasing the set temperature without compromising the occupant's comfort level. As per international performance measurement and verification (IPMV) protocol A, data analysis was done using a formula to determine the quantum of savings. IPMVP outputt were checked further using a t-test using SPSS software. Results indicated a cumulative impact on energy conservation, environment, and cost of importing fossil fuel. Limitations include energy conservation measurements made with limited facilities and respondents' restrictions.


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