Optimizing development and operations from the project success perspective using the analytic hierarchy process

Sani Novi Nugraheni, Teguh Raharjo, Ni Wayan Trisnawaty


By merging development and operation disciplines, the approach known as development and operations (DevOps) can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software development. Despite its potential benefits, successfully implementing DevOps within traditional project management frameworks presents significant challenges. This study explores the critical factors influencing the implementation of DevOps practices from the project management perspective, specifically focusing on software development projects in the Ministry of Finance. This study utilizes the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to prioritize the critical elements of project success criteria and DevOps factors necessary for effective implementation. The findings indicate that stakeholder satisfaction, quality, and value creation are the primary criteria for project success. Moreover, knowledge and skills, collaboration and communication, and robust infrastructure are pivotal factors for facilitating DevOps within project management. The study provides actionable insights for organizations aiming to improve their project outcomes by incorporating DevOps and offers a systematic approach to decision-making using AHP. This study recognizes limitations due to its focus on specific contexts and emphasizes the need for future research in diverse organizational environments to validate and expand these findings.


Agile methodologies; Analytic hierarchy process; Development and operations implementation; Project management; Public sector information technology projects

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.11591/csit.v5i3.p272-282


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Computer Science and Information Technologies
ISSN: 2722-323X, e-ISSN: 2722-3221
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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